Is Outsourcing Payroll Cost Effective?

Is Outsourcing Payroll Cost Effective?

Does it add value? Business owners ask this question a lot about any part of their business. Whether it be ...

How Many Companies Outsource Their Payroll?

How Many Companies Outsource Their Payroll?

The data for outsourced payroll services can be misleading. Most companies use a payroll software, which takes a portion of ...

What Percentage of Companies Outsource Payroll?

What Percentage of Companies Outsource Payroll?

It is well known that small businesses can spend several hours a week running payroll internally and spend hundreds of ...

employee hourly cost caluclator

How to Calculate the Costs of An Hourly Employee: A Comprehensive Guide

As an employer, it’s important to know how much your labor costs beyond just wages. An employee cost calculator ...

labor cost calculator

How Does a Labor Cost Calculator Work?

Every small business owner wants to know how much it costs to have an employee be added to their payroll. ...


How Much Should Payroll Cost?

Managing a business is challenging enough without having to worry about payroll and knowing the right percentage to apply. Payroll ...